Lectures and Conferences
Lectures and Workshops
Guest speaker at the "Navigating the US as an International Scholar". Organized by the Graduate Student Organization with collaboration of the Precarious Labor Organization, SCMS Virtual Symposium.
"Mulheres Desenvolvedoras". Lectured at the course Computer Science and Society. Federal Institute of Minas Gerais, online.
"Navigating Secret Syllabi: Eliminating Fabricated Divisions and Fostering Solidarity among Cinema and Media Scholars". Seminar organized with Cynthia Baron, SCMS Virtual Symposium 1-2 December 2023.
"Videogames e Antiguidade". Lectured at the course Ancient History II. Federal University of Campina Grande, online.
"Redes e Organização na Ciência: um estudo de caso do projeto Endure". Lectured at the course História e Teoria das Organizações. Institute of Geosciences, University of Campinas - Unicamp.
Opening the seminar "The Whirl of Knowledge Polarisation and Cultural Populism in Europe and Beyond". Freie Universität, Berlin.
"Ecossistemas de Desinformação". Lectured at the course Ciência, Tecnologia e Movimentos Sociais with Giselle Soares and Nicole de March. Institute of Geosciences, University of Campinas - Unicamp.
"Videogames, Players, and Localization". Lectured at the course Intro to Game Studies. LaRoche University, Pittsburgh-PA.
"Localization and Identity at Play: the role of players in localization efforts according to localizers". Lectured at the course Game Design, Prototyping, and Production. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh-PA.
Panelist at the "Allies in Esports: A Discussion of Diversity and Inclusion in Esports and Gaming". Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA.
"Videogame Industry Clusters: A case study about Brazil". Lectured at the course Business Model Innovation Lab. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA.
"Brazilian Modern Art History, an introduction". Lectured at the course Survey Of Art History I. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA.
"Disinformation and COVID-19 in Brazil". Lectured at the honors course Year 2020: A Moment in Time: Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA.
"Covid-19 in Brazil and the Political Uses of Disinformation". Lectured at the course Communication Seminar. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA.
"Language, Identity, and Games". Lectured at the course Interactive Media, Culture, and the Future. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA.
"Localization, Games, and Authenticity: Perceptions from Localizers". Lectured as part of the Rooney International Visiting Scholar Program. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA.
"Game Studies and Diversity: beyond traditional approaches". Lectured as as part of the Women’s Leadership and Mentorship Program March Coffee Hour Women’s History Month programming. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA
"Narrative Branching in Videogames". Lectured at the course Interactive Animation. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA.
"On Games, History, Society, and Values". Lectured at the course World Civilizations II. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA.
"Gaming in Brazil: a History". Lectured as part of the Rooney International Visiting Scholar Program. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA.
"A Tale of 2 Games: society, values, and ideologies". Lectured at the course 4D Studio. Robert Morris University, Moon Township-PA, spring semester.
"Videogame Localization, a historical take on the US and Brazil". ARDIN online social. ARDIN - Association for Research in Digital Interactive Narratives. Online lecture.
"A Volta do Movimento Antivacina". Lectured at the Fórum Permanente: Os desafios de comunicar ciência em tempos sombrios. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"Dinámicas colaborativas y co-producción del conocimiento en América Latina: El caso de los serious games". Lectured at the Seminario do Instituto de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología, Cultura y Desarrollo. Instituto de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología, Cultura y Desarrollo (CITECDE) de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN), Bariloche.
"Video Game Localization: Studying Methods". Lectured at the course History and Culture of Games. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy-NY.
"Video Game Localization and STS: Theoretical Approaches". Lectured at the Colloquium/Brownbag Series Science and Technology Studies Department. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy-NY.
"From Piracy to Game Development: the video game industry in Brazil". Lectured at the course History and Culture of Games. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy-NY.
"Percepções de Harry Potter no cinema: o filme Harry Potter e o Prisioneiro de Azkaban (2004)". Lectured at the course Harry Potter: História, Cultura e Relações de Gênero nos livros e nos filmes. Course given at the Programa UniversIDADE da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"Arqueologia: fonte histórica e usos na sala de aula". Workshop taught for high and middle-school teachers. Laboratório de Arqueologia Pública da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"Arqueologia Subaquática e Gênero em Imagens: uma Leitura". Lecture given at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas-RS.
"Arqueologia Subaquática, Imagens e Gênero: Possíveis Relações". Lecture for the Sextas da Arqueologia lecture series. Labratório de Arqueologia Pública da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"A History of Underwater Archaeology". Lectured at the course Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea Maritime Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean. Stanford University, Palo Alto-CA, 2013.
Conference Participation
“Video Game Localization History: exploring games and companies’ histories”. Presented at History of Games 2024 Conference. Hybrid conference.
"In-between Play and Work: exploring labor issues in the video game industry". Presented at DIGRA Brazil / British DIGRA Joint Hybrid Conference - The In-Betweenness of Play. Authors: Marina Fontolan, Manuela Rocha, and Daniela Albini Pinheiro. Hybrid Conference.
“Vale do Ribeira, Serra da Bocaina, Complexo da Maré, and the Amazon: study cases on community resilience in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic”. Presented at Social Boundaries of Work. Authors: Aline Yuri Hasegawa, Marina Fontolan, and Leda Gitahy.
“Resiliências, novas governanças e desigualdades: o mundo pós pandêmico e os desafios teórico-metodológicos da pesquisa transdisciplinar e transnacional”. Presented at IX Reunião de Antropologia da Ciência e da Tecnologia. Authors: Aline Yuri Hasegawa, Marina Fontolan, and Leda Gitahy.
“Redes de Solidariedade e Divulgação Científica: a defesa da vida em tempos de Covid-19”. Presented at VI Congresso de Projetos de Apoio à Permanência dos Estudantes de Graduação da Unicamp. Authors: Karina Mayuruna Wadick, Nayra Prates, Carla Ladeira Pimentel Águas, Leda Gitahy, Giselle Soares Menezes Silva, Aleix Altimiras Martin, and Marina Fontolan.
""Insights on Twitter use during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil". Presented at the Fourth Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism, and Polarised Politics (HEPP4). Authors: Kleber Carrilho, Marina Fontolan, Eurídice Hernandez and Giselle Silva. Hybrid conference.
"Digital Games and Digital Labor: exploring issues on work in the video game industry". Presented at 4S Meeting 2023 - Sea, Sky, and Land: engaging in solidarity in endangered ecologies. Authors: Marina Fontolan, Manuela Rocha, and Daniela Albini Pinheiro. Hybrid Conference.
"When disinformation comes from official sources: the Brazilian federal government and the Covid-19 vaccines". Presented at 4S Meeting 2023 - Sea, Sky, and Land: engaging in solidarity in endangered ecologies. Authors: Giselle Soares, Marina Fontolan, and Aleix Altimiras Martin. Hybrid Conference.
"Knowledge production on COVID-19 and its use in Brazilian health policies". Presented at 4S Meeting 2023 - Sea, Sky, and Land: engaging in solidarity in endangered ecologies. Authors: Rafael Brito Dias, Marina Fragnan Cruz, Milena Eugênio da Silva, Marina Fontolan, and Milena Pavan Serafim. Hybrid Conference.
"Megafone do ódio: o uso do áudio como instrumento disseminador de desinformação". Presented at 10ª Edição do Encontro de Divulgação de Ciência e Cultura (EDICC) - Ciência e Cultura: Esperanças Renovadas?. Authors: Giselle Soares, Marina Fontolan, and Dayane Fumiyo Tokojima Machado. Online conference.
"Todos Pelas Vacinas: uma intervenção social contra a hesitação vacinal e o movimento antivacina". Presented at 17º ExpoEPI. Authors: Flávia Marques Ferrari (presenter), Mellanie Fontes-Dutra, Ana de Medeiros Arnt, Rafael Badain, Larissa Brussa Reis, Erica Mariosa Moreira Carneiro, Marina Fontolan, Ana Beatriz Ramos de Oliveira, Wasim Aluísio Prates Syed, Luiz Carlos Robles, Leonardo Rovatti de Oliveira, Rafael Lopes Paixão da Silva, Marcelo A. S. Bragatte, Apoena Canuto Cosenza, Érico Vinicius de Souza Carmo, and Rafael Biagioni de Fazio. Sao Paulo.
"Todos Pelas Vacinas: Divulgação Científica para além da academia". Presented at WECUDI - Primer Congreso Internacional Wikimedia, Educación y Culturas Digitales. Authors: Flávia Marques Ferrari, Ana de Medeiros Arnt, Erica Mariosa Moreira Carneiro, Carolina Frandsen Pereira Costa, Marina Fontolan, Mellanie Fontes-Dutra. Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Buenos Aires.
"Brazil, Democracy, and Deepfakes: overseeing the 2022 elections". Presented at XX ISA World Congress - Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies. Co-authored with Nicole De March, Giselle Soares Menezes Silva e Maycon Poli Barbosa. Hybrid conference.
"Hacking, fun, and videogames: representing hacking on games". Presented at Science Fiction and Fantasy Gaming Conference. Online conference.
"An introduction on collaborative dynamics and knowledge co-production in Serious Games". Presented at joint 4S/ESOCITE Meeting 2022 - Reunion, recuperation, reconfiguration: Knowledges and technosciences for living together. Co-authored with Luciano Guillermo Levin. Hybrid Conference.
"Localization Practices, Video Games, and Authenticities". Presented at the Chinese Digital Games Research Association Conference. Co-authored with Janaina Pamplona da Costa and James Wilson Malazita. Online Conference.
"Jogos digitais e trabalho digital: construindo novos mundos sem custos". Presented at VIII REACT (Reunião de Antropologia da Ciência e da Tecnologia). Co-authored with Daniela Albini Pinheiro and Manuela Rocha. Online Conference.
"Dinâmicas Colaborativas e co-produção do conhecimento nos Serious Games: uma revisão de literatura". IX Simpósio Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (ESOCITE.BR): Qual interdisciplinaridade queremos?. Online Conference.
"Histories of Game Localization Practices". Presented at 4S Annual Meeting 2021 - Good Relations: Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds. Co-authored with Janaina Pamplona da Costa, James Wilson Malazita, and Léa Maria Leme Velho. Online Conference.
"Repairing Media Technologies: Toward a Hybrid Methodology". Presented at 4S Annual Meeting 2021 - Good Relations: Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds. Presented and co-authored with Alexander John Daniel Mirowski and Logan Donner Brown. Online Conference.
"Building Communities in Games: Romhacking, Modding, and Videogame Localization". Presented at the STGlobal 2021 Virtual Conference. Online Conference.
"Digital Games and Digital Labor: building new worlds, no costs involved". Presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. Presented by Manuela Rocha. Co-authors: Marina Fontolan, Daniela Albini Pinheiro. Online Conference.
"COVID-19, (Hydroxy)chloroquine, Expertise and the Political Uses of Disinformation in Brazil". Presented at the Trust in Expertise in a Changing Media Landscape. Co-authored with Dayane Machado, Leda Gitahy, and Leandro R. Tessler. Online Conference.
"Clusters na Indústria de Videogames e as Cidades um estudo de caso sobre o Brasil". Presented at the III Simpósio de Geografia do Conhecimento e da Inovação. Co-authored with Janaina Pamplona da Costa and James Wilson Malazita. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"STS Theoretical Approaches and Video Game Localization: Innovating ideas". Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S): Innovations, Interruptions, Regenerations. Co-authored with Janaina Pamplona da Costa and James Wilson Malazita. New Orleans, LA.
"Dublagem Localizada e Indústria Brasileira de Videogames". Presented at the 4° Encontro de Grupos de Pesquisa em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade da UNICAMP. Co-authored with Janaina Pamplona da Costa and Léa Maria Leme Velho. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"Videogames sob uma perspectiva de Sociologia da Ciência e da Tecnologia". Presented at the VII Simpósio Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (VII E ESOCITE.BR/TECSOC). Co-authored with Janaina Pamplona da Costa and Léa Maria Leme Velho. Universidade de Brasília, Brasília-DF.
"Jogos Antigos e Atuais: Ritos e Poder nos Videogames sobre a Antiguidade". Presented at the XIII Jornada de História Antiga: Jogos, Rituais e Poder no Mediterrâneo Antigo. Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 2016.
"Pensando o Mediterrâneo Antigo nos Videogames: Discursos, Representações e Narrativas". Presented at the XII Jornada de História Antiga. Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro-RJ.
"Cidades Antigas nos Videogames: uma leitura". Presented at the XXV Ciclo de Debates em História Antiga - Cidades. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro-RJ.
"História Antiga e Videogames: Identidades e Apropriações". Presented at the VIII Encontro Nacional do GTHA "Identidade no Mundo Antigo: pesquisa, diálogos e apropriações". Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal-RN.
"História Antiga e seus Pesquisadores nos Videogames: Uma Leitura". Presented at the XI Jornada de História Antiga "História, Imagem e Cinema". Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro-RJ.
"Arqueologia Subaquática e Poder: questões sobre a ciência arqueológica". Presented at the I Semana de Arqueologia "Arqueologia e Poder". Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"Arqueologia Subaquática e Divulgação Científica". Presented at the XVII Congresso da SAB 'Arqueologia Sem Fronteiras'. Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Aracajú-SE.
"Diálogos Patrimoniais, um novo projeto do LAP". Poster presented at the XVII Congresso da SAB 'Arqueologia Sem Fronteiras'. Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Aracajú-SE.
"Arqueologia Subaquática e Caça ao Tesouro: Um Estudo de Caso". Presented at the IV Encontro de Pesquisa em Graduação em História. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"Imagens da Arqueologia Subaquática: Discursos sobre a Caça ao Tesouro". Presented at the VI Reunión nde Teoría Arqueológica de América del Sur. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Goiânia-GO.
"Diálogos: Cultura Material, Fontes Escritas e as Representações de Embarcações em Vasos Áticos dos séculos VI e V a.C.". Presented at the XI Colóquio do CPA/ II Semana de Estudos Clássicos do CEC. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"Underwater Archaeology and Treasure Hunting: A Case Study". Presented at the XIV Congresso SAB / XVI Congress UISPP. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC.
"Arqueologia Subaquática: Um Estudo de Caso Sobre George Fletcher Bass". Poster presented at the XIX Congresso Interno de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"História e Ciência: A Trajetória da Arqueologia Subaquática". Presented at the Arqueologia, Cultura Material e Patrimônio. Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Alfenas-MG.
"Arqueologia Subaquática: Um Estudo de Caso sobre George Fletcher Bass". Presented at the III Encontro de Graduação em História. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"Arqueologia Subaquática: Um Estudo de Caso sobre George Fletcher Bass". Poster presented at the XVIII Congresso Interno de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"Underwater Archaeology As A Theoretical Endeavour: A Case Study Of George Fletcher Bass". Poster presented at The Thirty First Annual Conference Of The Theoretical Archaeological Group. Durham University, Durham-UK.
"O Lago Nemi e a Identidade Fascista". Presented at the: X Colóquio do CPA - Margens do Passado: Estudos Clássicos e a Construção da Diferença. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
"Arqueologia Subaquática: Um Estudo De Caso Sobre George Fletcher Bass". Poster presented at XVII Congresso Interno de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP.
Panel Organization in Conferences
"Panel on Game Development Opportunities". RTF Gaming Symposium, 2024.
"Playful Records: Video Game Histories". SCMS 2024. Boston, 2024.
"Social aspects of the Covid-19 crisis: Inequalities, Resiliences, and Knowledge Production". 4S Meeting 2023 - Sea, Sky, and Land: engaging in solidarity in endangered ecologies. Panel co-organized with Carla Ladeira Pimentel Aguas, Soner Barthoma, Leda Maria Caira Gitahy, and Mihai Varga. Hybrid Conference, 2023.
"Repair and Maintenance of Media Technologies: A Hybrid Approach". Joint 4S/ESOCITE Meeting 2022 - Reunion, recuperation, reconfiguration: Knowledges and technosciences for living together. Panel co-organized with Alexander John Daniel Mirowski and Logan Donner Brown. Hybrid Conference, 2022.
"Knowledge production and Cultural Media: Reconfiguring STS". Joint 4S/ESOCITE Meeting 2022 - Reunion, recuperation, reconfiguration: Knowledges and technosciences for living together. Panel co-organized with Luciano Guillermo Levin. Hybrid Conference, 2022.
"Ciência, Tecnologia e Autoritarismos". IX Simpósio Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (ESOCITE.BR): Qual interdisciplinaridade queremos?. Panel co-organized with Alcides Eduardo dos Reis Perón. Online Conference, 2021.
"Practices and Methods of Repair and Maintenance of Cultural Media". 4S Annual Meeting 2021 - Good Relations: Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds. Panel co-organized with Alexander John Daniel Mirowski and Logan Donner Brown. Online Conference, 2021.
Conference and Symposium Organization
Gendered Violence in/at/around Video Games
Virtual Symposium, April 1st 2024, co-organized with Geneveive Roxanne Newman
RTF Animation Celebration
University of Texas at Austin, February 15th to 16th 2024, co-organized with Ben Bays, Deepak Chetty, Lalitha Gopalan, Jordan Levin, Cindy McCreery, Lance Myers, Alisa Perren, and Rohitash Rao (Ro)
Moody ESports Symposium & Video Game Tournament of Champions
University of Texas at Austin, November 2nd to 3rd 2023, co-organized with Ben Bays
IV Simpósio de Geografia do Conhecimento e da Inovação
Online Symposium, November 10th to 12th 2021
III Simpósio de Geografia do Conhecimento e da Inovação
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, November 6th to 8th 2019
I Seminário Internacional do LIPAC: Patrimônios, Construções Participativas e Multivocais
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2015
Short-term course entitled Values-Based Heritage Approach For Sustainable Development.
Course lectured by Neil Silberman and Angela Labrador (University of Massachusetts – Amherst)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, September 29th to October 10th, 2014
I Semana de Arqueologia - "Arqueologia e Poder"
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2013
XII Colóquio do CPA e III Semana de Estudos Clássicos do IEL
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2013
XI Colóquio do CPA/II Semana de Estudos Clássicos do CEC
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2011